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“Эрдмийн чуулган-2023”                                    ЭРДЭМ ШИНЖИЛГЭЭНИЙ БҮТЭЭЛИЙН ЭМХЭТГЭЛ

              [6]  Pieter Abbeel and John Schulman.,  “Deep Reinforcement   Wierstra, “Continuous control  with deep  reinforcement
                 Learning  through Policy Optimization,”  Tutorial at NIPS   learning,” 2016.
                                                                [9]  Md Akhtaruzzaman, A.A. Shafle, “Modeling and Control of
              [7]  Kai  Arulkumaran, Marc  Peter  Deisenroth, Miles Brundage,   rotary inverted pendulum using various methods, comparative
                 Anil Anthony Bharath, “A Brief Survey of Deep     assessment and result analysis,” 2010.
                 Reinforcement Learning,” 2017.
                                                                [10]  Swagat Kumar,  “Controlling  an inverted pendulum  with
              [8]  Timothy P.Lillicrap, Jonathan J. Hunt, Alexender Pritzel,   policy gradeint method - A tutorial,” 2020.
                 Nicolas Heess, Tom Erez, Yuval Tassa, David Silver & Daan

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