Шилдэг санаа (Idea) - Зохион бүтээлт:
1. | Ө.Наранчимэг | Оньсон углуурга, холболт | |
2. | Т.Эрдэнэбат | Стратосферийг туулах чадвартай пуужингийн загвар | |
3. | Ө.Гансайхан | Ингэний биоцэгээ | |
4. | М.Номин | Эвтэй дөрвөн амьтан арт тоглоом | |
5. | А.Батмөнх, Б.Баянмөнх, Д.Билэгдэмбэрэл, Ц.Тэнгис, Л.Үүрцайх, Б.Мөнхбаяр | EEG төхөөрөмж ашиглан тархины дохиог машин сургалтын аргаар боловсруулан робот гар удирдах систем | |
6. | С.Сэржмядаг, Ө.Энхжин | Баяжуулсан шөлний бэлдмэл | |
7. | З.Цэрэндорж | Дулааны эрчим хүчийг нөөцлөх төхөөрөмж | |
8. | С.Сэржмядаг, М.Ган-Эрдэнэ | Хатаасан дотор махан зууш | |
9. | Д.Пүрэвмагнай | Экспортын нүүрс чингэлэгт хөлдөн наалдалтыг бууруулах төхөөрөмж | |
10. | Ц.Тэнгис, Б.Дорж, Т.Амартүвшин, Ч.Батчулуун, Г.Бат-Эрдэнэ, Х.Тэмүүлэн | Гүний уурхайд GPS-гүй орчинд инерцийн мэдрүүрт тулгуурласан хүний байршил тодорхойлох систем |
Шилдэг оюуны өмч (Intellectual Property):
1. | Б.Тунгалагтамир, Э.Энхцэцэг | x-AI203 зөөгч бүхий никель суурьтай катализатор гарган авах арга |
2. | С.Сэржмядаг, Я.Эрхэмбаяр | Гүзээний зутан шөл үйлдвэрлэх арга |
3. | Д.Нарантогтох, Ж.Өнөржаргал | Угсаатан монгол хүүхэлдэй |
4. | Г.Зоригт | Өнхрөх хэлбэлзэл судлах төхөөрөмж |
5. | С.Сэржмядаг, Я.Эрхэмбаяр | Таван цулын шөлний бэлдмэл |
6. | А.Одгэрэл, Б.Луубаатар | Сэргээгдэх эрчим хүчний хэмжилтийн хамгаалалттай ухаалаг төхөөрөмж |
Олон улсад хэвлүүлсэн эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүлэл (Paper)
1. | Д.Сүнжидмаа | Characterization of Alkali Activated Materials Prepared from Continuous Attrition and Ball Milled Fly Ashes |
2. | Н.Болдбаатар | Improvement of the Treatment Performance of the Conventional Wastewater Treatment Plant: A Case Study of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia |
3. | О.Алтанзагас | The diagnosis of old railway steel bridge over the Kharaa river |
4. | М.Цас-Оргилмаа | Current status and maintenance system of bridges in Mongolia |
5. | Ц.Сонинхишиг | Maximizing nutrition in key food value chains of Mongolia under climate change |
6. | С.Пүрэвдорж | Effectiveness of buckling restrained damper for improving seismic performance of steel arch bridge |
7. | С.Пүрэвдорж | Seismic design of steel truss bridge with buckling restrained dampers |
8. | Л.Эрдэнэболд | Multimethod characterization of terracotta figurines and lime mortar from the elite burials Shoroon Bumbagar I and II, Mongolia |
9. | Per Michaelsen | Tectonic evolution of a sequence of related late Permian transtensive coal-bearing sub-basins, Mongolia: A global wrench tectonics portrait |
10. | Б.Энхжаргал | Geology, mineralization and magma evolution of the Zuun Mod Mo-Cu deposit in Southwest Mongolia |
11. | О.Гэрэл | A Comparative Study of Gender Disparities in Geoscience and Mining in Mongolia |
12. | Н.Болорчимэг | Genesis of the 1.45 Ga Kratz Spring Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposit Complex in Southeast Missouri, USA: Constraints from Oxide Mineral Chemistry |
13. | А.Номуулин | Progressive carbonation and Ca-metasomatism of serpentinized ultramafic rocks: insights from natural occurrences and hydrothermal experiments |
14. | Д.Энхбат | Evaluation of coal screening performance by spatial image reconstruction method |
15. | Б.Батдэмбэрэл | Regional groundwater flow and formation of water quality in G 1 layer throughout the Echigo Plain |
16. | Х.Цээдулам | (Online) Vs30 Mapping and Soil Classification for Seismic Site Effect Evaluation in Gobi-Altay Region, Mongolia |
17. | О.Гэрэл | From magmatic arc to a post-accretionary setting: Late Palaeozoic granitoid plutons in the northwestern Trans-Altai Zone, Mongolia |
18. | О.Гэрэл | Rare Earth Element Deposits in Mongolia |
19. | Я.Доржсүрэн | Research on vibration-based early diagnostic system for excavator motor bearing using 1-D CNN |
20. | Д.Энхбат | Effect of excitation parameters on screening performance of elastic screen surface with variable vibration intensity |
21. | Д.Отгонбаяр | Multiphase-solid fluid inclusions in HP-LT eclogite facies rock (Zavkhan Terrane, Western Mongolia): evidence for the evolution from saline to hypersaline fluids during metamorphism in subduction zone |
22. | Б.Батхишиг | Editorial |
23. | Д.Оюунбилэг | Evaluation of thermal and freeze-thaw resistances of the concretes with the silica fume addition at different water-cement ratio |
26. | Х.Батбаяр | Changes in Trunk Kinematics in People with Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain Using Wearable Inertial Sensors † |
27. | О.Бат-Энх | Study of decision tree algorithms: effects of air pollution on under five mortality in Ulaanbaatar |
28. | А.Алтангэрэл | Dashboard-camera-based Safe Driving Support System |
29. | Б.Дорж | FishEye8K: A Benchmark and Dataset for Fisheye Camera Object Detection |
30. | З.Буянхишиг | Determination of Geometry Parameters to Geostationary Communication Satellite, Its Comparative Analysis for Mongolia |
31. | А.Алтангэрэл | Influence of subproblem solutions on the quality of traveling thief problem solutions |
32. | Ц.Тэнгис | EEG Data Classification Using CNN Method with Various Data Models |
33. | П.Ууганбаяр | A circularly polarized broadband sequential array antenna with diamond-shaped artificial ground structure |
34. | Д.Золзаяа | Advanced Technologies Make Remote Territories Smart: Network-Based Scope |
35. | Б.Ууганбаяр | Reliability Study for Communication System: A Case Study of an Underground Mine |
36. | Д.Ганбат | Digital Learning Transformation in Higher Education: International Cases of University Efforts to Evaluate and Improve Blended Teaching Readiness |
37. | Д.Соёл | Correction to: Flowers and Inflorescences of Selected Medicinal Plants as a Source of Triterpenoids and Phytosterols (Plants, (2023), 12, 9, (1838), 10.3390/plants12091838) |
38. | Г.Солонго | The Technological Research Outcomes of Boiled Sausages Fortified with Sea Buckthorn Peels |
39. | Ж.Туяацэцэг | Research progress of immunoassay technology in mycotoxin detection [免 疫 分 析 技 术 在 检 测 真 菌 毒 素 中 的 研 究 进 展] |
40. | Б.Солонго | Optimization of the physical properties and antioxidant activity of Mongolian buuz wrappers with buckwheat flour substituted for wheat flour |
41. | Т.Баясаа | Effects of radial growth rate on juvenile wood properties of Pinus sylvestris planted in Mongolia |
42. | Б.Бат-Учирал | Effects of Pretreatment for Controlling Internal Water Transport Direction on Moisture Content Profile and Drying Defects in Large-Cross-Section Red Pine Round Timber during Kiln Drying |
43. | Ц.Энхтуул | Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Stellera chamaejasme L. Roots and Aerial Parts Extracts |
44. | Х.Отгондорж | A family of Newton-type methods with seventh and eighth-order of convergence for solving systems of nonlinear equations |
45. | Б.Тунгалагтамир | Cerium-promoted nickel catalysts supported on yttrium-doped γ-alumina for carbon dioxide methanation |
46. | Х.Отгондорж | Optimal Choice of Parameters in Higher-Order Derivative-Free Iterative Methods for Systems of Nonlinear Equations |
47. | М.Амгалан | Water and climate change from the regional, national, and international perspective |
48. | Т.Энхтуяа | Sol-Gel Synthesis and Optical Characterization of ZnO Nanoparticles |
49. | Н.Манчук | Petrographic and geochemical characterization of chert artifacts from Middle, Upper, and Epi-Paleolithic assemblages in the Jebel Qalkha area, southern Jordan |
50. | А.Амаржаргал | A facile one-stone-two-birds strategy for fabricating multifunctional 3D nanofibrous scaffolds |
51. | Э.Байгал | A Study of Grid-Connected Residential PV-Battery Systems in Mongolia |
52. | С.Адарсүрэн | Some issues and implementation problems for digital substations in Mongolia |
53. | Ж.Ням | Study on inertia based MPPT control using reinforcement learning algorithm for extra power production |
54. | М.Баттулга | Modeling Automatic Unloading in Case of Overhead Line Disconnection |
55. | Ж.Ням | Study on Weakening the Effect of Air Density Changes for Increased Power Capture of Individual Wind Energy Conversion System |
56. | Ц.Цэцэгээ | The Research on Heat Loss Reduction of Prefabricated Building in Ulan-Bator |
57. | Б.Бат-Эрдэнэ | Technological trends in the energy sector: Challenges and threats |
58. | С.Батмөнх | Increasing environmentally friendly energy production as a priority task of Mongolia's energy industry |
59. | С.Батмөнх | Research into Prospects for the Expansion of Mongolia’s Electric Power Industry under Current Conditions |
60. | Д.Даваа-Очир | Zircon geochronology of high–grade metamorphic rocks from outcrops along the Prince Olav Coast, East Antarctica: Implications for multi–thermal events and regional correlations |
61. | Д.Даваа-Очир | Counter–clockwise P–T history deduced from kyanite–bearing pelitic gneiss in Tenmondai Rock, Lützow–Holm Complex, East Antarctica |
62. | С.Нямдорж | Calculation method for determining the effect of vertical load on the horizontal bearing capacity of a pile |
63. | С.Нямдорж | Analysis of the Pile Foundation Calculation Results Given the Action of an Earthquake and Soaking of the Loess Base |
64. | С.Нямдорж | Testing reinforced soil cushions on the soaked subsidence base |
65. | С.Нямдорж | The horizontal load test on pressure-injected piles in damped subsiding Soils |
67. | Б.Мөнхцэнгэл | Coal facies of the Middle Permian Baruunnaran deposit, South Mongolia |
68. | Б.Мөнхцэнгэл | A Comparative Study of Gender Disparities in Geoscience and Mining in Mongolia |
69. | Б.Мөнхцэнгэл | Types, typical deposits, tempo-spatial distribution and tectonic settings of the copper deposits in Mongolia [蒙古国铜矿床主要类型、典型矿床、时空分布与 构造背景] |
70. | Б.Мөнхцэнгэл | Permian–Triassic magmatic rocks in the Middle Gobi volcanic-plutonic belt, Mongolia: revisiting the scissor-like closure model of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean |
71. | Б.Мөнхцэнгэл | Carboniferous magmatic records of central Mongolia and its implications for the southward subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean |
72. | Л.Тэлмэнбаяр | Development of mechanically robust and anticorrosion slippery PEO coating with metal–organic framework (MOF) of magnesium alloy |
73. | И.Цэрэн-Онолт | BIJE: A Joint Extraction Model for Biomedical Information Extraction |
74. | Х.Загарзүсэм | Broadband photodetector based on MoS2/Ge heterojunction |
75. | Qi Yongjun | A Text Detection and Recognition System Based on Dual-Attention Mechanism with Artificial Intelligence Technology |
76. | Qi Yongjun | Double Attention Mechanism Text Detection and Recognition Based on Neural Network Algorithm |